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Preprint Extending Touch-less Interaction on Vision Based Wearable Device

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: Jul 2015

Teams: Chinese Academy of Science;Royal Institute of Technology

Writers: Zhihan Lv, Liangbing Feng, Shengzhong Feng, Haibo Li

PDF: Preprint Extending Touch-less Interaction on Vision Based Wearable Device


This is the preprint version of our paper on IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2015. A touch-less interaction technology on vision based wearable device is designed and evaluated. Users interact with the application with dynamic hands/feet gestures in front of the camera. Several proof-of-concept prototypes with eleven dynamic gestures are developed based on the touch-less interaction. At last, a comparing user study evaluation is proposed to demonstrate the usability of the touch-less approach, as well as the impact on user’s emotion, running on a wearable framework or Google Glass.

