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Emotional activity in early immersive design: Sketches and moodboards in virtual reality

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PubDate: Jan 2017

Teams: Arts & Métiers ParisTech

Writers: Vincent Rieuf;Carole Bouchard;Vincent Meyrueis;Jean-François Omhover

PDF: Emotional activity in early immersive design: Sketches and moodboards in virtual reality


In between industrial design, virtual reality and experience psychology we aim to offer engaging and efficient immersive tools to augment the design workflow. To evaluate the efficiency of our innovative design tools and their impact on the traditional industrial design process, we use experimental protocols inspired from design science, user experience evaluation and psycho-physiology. This research framework gives access to complex micro processes appearing between the designer and his tools, regarding the emotional engagement of a designer in his activity. The goal of this paper is to present how specific early design needs can be fulfilled by immersive technologies. The presented findings show the level to which an immersive experience is valid for early design tasks.

