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A Tangible Spherical Proxy for Object Manipulation in Augmented Reality

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PubDate: May 2020

Teams: LMU Munich;University of California Santa Barbara

Writers: David Englmeier; Julia Dörner; Andreas Butz; Tobias Höllerer

PDF: A Tangible Spherical Proxy for Object Manipulation in Augmented Reality


In this paper, we explore how a familiarly shaped object can serve as a physical proxy to manipulate virtual objects in Augmented Reality (AR) environments. Using the example of a tangible, handheld sphere, we demonstrate how irregularly shaped virtual objects can be selected, transformed, and released. After a brief description of the implementation of the tangible proxy, we present a buttonless interaction technique suited to the characteristics of the sphere. In a user study (N = 30), we compare our approach with three different controller-based methods that increasingly rely on physical buttons. As a use case, we focused on an alignment task that had to be completed in mid-air as well as on a flat surface. Results show that our concept has advantages over two of the controller-based methods regarding task completion time and user ratings. Our findings inform research on integrating tangible interaction into AR experiences.

