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The Effect of Camera Height, Actor Behavior, and Viewer Position on the User Experience of 360° Videos

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PubDate: August 2019

Teams: Tampere University;LMU Munich

Writers: Tuuli Keskinen; Ville Mäkelä; Pekka Kallioniemi; Jaakko Hakulinen; Jussi Karhu; Kimmo Ronkainen; John Mäkelä; Markku Turunen

PDF: The Effect of Camera Height, Actor Behavior, and Viewer Position on the User Experience of 360° Videos


360° videos can be viewed in an immersive manner with a head-mounted display (HMD). However, it is unclear how the viewing experience is affected by basic properties of 360° videos, such as how high they are recorded from, and whether there are people close to the camera. We conducted a 24-participant user study where we explored whether the viewing experience is affected by A) camera height, B) the proximity and actions of people appearing in the videos, and C) viewer position (standing/sitting). The results, surprisingly, suggest that the viewer’s own height has little to no effect on the preferred camera height and the experience. The most optimal camera height situates at around 150 centimeters, which hits the comfortable height range for both sitting and standing viewers. Moreover, in some cases, people being close to the camera, or the camera being very low, has a negative effect on the experience. Our work contributes to understanding and designing immersive 360° experiences.

