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DepthMove: Hands-free Interaction in Virtual Reality Using Head Motions in the Depth Dimension

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PubDate: August 2019

Teams: Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Writers: Difeng Yu; Hai-Ning Liang; Tianyu Zhang; Wenge Xu

PDF: DepthMove: Hands-free Interaction in Virtual Reality Using Head Motions in the Depth Dimension


Hands-free interactions are very handy for virtual reality (VR) head-worn display (HWD) systems because they allow users to interact with VR environments without the need for a hand-held device. This paper explores the potential of a new approach that we call DepthMove to allow hands-free interactions that are based on head motions towards the depth dimension. With DepthMove, a user can interact in a VR system proactively by moving towards the depth dimension with an HWD. We present the concept and implementation of DepthMove in VR HWD systems and demonstrate its potential applications. We further discuss the advantages and limitations of using DepthMove.

