Perception / XR 2022年05月26日 13:22:19 映维 Can A Vibrotactile Stimulation On Fingertips Make An Illusion Of Elbow Joint Movement?
Perception / XR 2022年05月25日 15:49:35 映维 Effects of Field of View on Egocentric Distance Perception in Virtual Reality
Perception / XR 2022年05月19日 15:01:37 映维 Ambient-Aware Sound Field Translation Using Optimal Spatial Filtering
Perception / XR 2022年05月17日 21:10:38 映维 AirRes Mask: A Precise and Robust Virtual Reality Breathing Interface Utilizing Breathing Resistance as Output Modality
Perception / XR 2022年05月17日 15:49:27 映维 Ukemochi: A Video See-through Food Overlay System for Eating Experience in the Metaverse
HCI / Perception / XR 2022年05月16日 12:25:29 映维 Revisiting the Scheme of Walking-in-Place by Introducing Step-Height Control, Elastic Input and Pseudo-Haptic Feedback
Perception / XR 2022年04月28日 15:52:19 映维 On the Upscaling of Higher-Order Ambisonics Signals for Sound Field Translation
Perception / XR 2022年04月28日 14:58:19 映维 Towards Wave-Domain Adaptive Filtering for Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Higher-Order Ambisonics Systems
Perception / XR 2022年04月28日 09:52:20 映维 Machine Learning-Based Room Classification for Selecting Binaural Room Impulse Responses in Augmented Reality Applications
Perception / XR 2022年04月27日 15:37:19 映维 A dataset of higher-order Ambisonic room impulse responses and 3D models measured in a room with varying furniture
Perception / XR 2022年04月27日 15:16:48 映维 Computationally Efficient Spatial Rendering of Late Reverberation in Virtual Acoustic Environments
Perception / XR 2022年04月26日 15:16:25 映维 Enabling Head-Tracking for Binaural Sound Reproduction Based on Bilateral Ambisonics
Perception / XR 2022年04月26日 14:10:19 映维 Effects of Additive Noise in Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Perception / XR 2022年04月25日 15:55:25 映维 Smoke Diffusion Simulation and Physically-Based Rendering for VR
Perception / XR 2022年04月21日 13:01:25 映维 Prototype of Force Feedback Tool for Mixed Reality Applications
Perception / XR 2022年04月21日 12:40:41 映维 Vibrotactile feedback models to explore virtual reality without going round in circles
Perception / XR 2022年04月21日 12:37:44 映维 Evaluating Wearable Tactile Feedback Patterns During a Virtual Reality Fighting Game
Perception / XR 2022年04月21日 12:37:43 映维 A Grasp on Reality: Understanding Grasping Patterns for Object Interaction in Real and Virtual Environments
Perception / XR 2022年04月21日 12:34:43 映维 Walking Through Walls: The Effect of Collision-Based Feedback on Affordance Judgments in Augmented Reality
Perception / XR 2022年04月21日 12:34:39 映维 Visual Pseudo Haptics for a Dynamic Squeeze / Grab Gesture in Immersive Virtual Reality
Perception / XR 2022年04月13日 15:16:24 映维 Dual Quaternion Ambisonics Array for Six-Degree-of-Freedom Acoustic Representation
Perception / XR 2022年03月31日 14:01:33 映维 MolecuSense: Using Force-Feedback Gloves for Creating and Interacting with Ball-and-Stick Molecules in VR
Perception / XR 2022年03月07日 07:22:28 映维 Audio Signal Processing for Telepresence Based on Wearable Array in Noisy and Dynamic Scenes
Perception / XR 2022年02月11日 14:58:32 映维 A Virtual Reality Application of the Rubber Hand Illusion Induced by Ultrasonic Mid-air Haptic Stimulation
Perception / XR 2022年02月10日 12:43:21 映维 X-Wing: Propeller-Based Force Feedback to Head in a Virtual Environment