XR 2020年05月19日 14:40:36 映维 Immersive Search: Interactive Information Retrieval in Three-Dimensional Space
XR 2020年05月19日 14:31:34 映维 AI-Based 360-degree Video Generation from Monocular Video for Immersive Experience
XR 2020年05月19日 14:24:44 映维 Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction (VAM-HRI)
XR 2020年05月19日 14:05:08 映维 The Effect of Virtual Reality Control of a Robotic Surrogate on Presence and Social Presence in Comparison to Telecommunications Software
XR 2020年05月19日 13:44:37 映维 Bridging the Virtual and Real Worlds: A Preliminary Study of Messaging Notifications in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月19日 13:42:33 映维 Race Yourselves: A Longitudinal Exploration of Self-Competition Between Past, Present, and Future Performances in a VR Exergame
XR 2020年05月19日 13:27:51 映维 MoveVR: Enabling Multiform Force Feedback in Virtual Reality using Household Cleaning Robot
XR 2020年05月19日 13:13:39 映维 Knock on Wood: Combining Redirected Touching and Physical Props for Tool-Based Interaction in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月19日 13:06:34 映维 PoCoPo: Handheld Pin-based Shape Display for Haptic Rendering in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月19日 13:00:15 映维 Utilizing VR and Gaze Tracking to Develop AR Solutions for Industrial Maintenance
XR 2020年05月19日 12:56:12 映维 ElastOscillation: 3D Multilevel Force Feedback for Damped Oscillation on VR Controllers
XR 2020年05月19日 12:53:25 映维 Levitation Simulator: Prototyping Ultrasonic Levitation Interfaces in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月19日 12:23:55 映维 Inducing and Mitigating Stereotype Threat Through Gendered Virtual Body-Swap Illusions
XR 2020年05月19日 12:16:37 映维 Outline Pursuits: Gaze-assisted Selection of Occluded Objects in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月19日 12:05:11 映维 Too Hot to Handle: An Evaluation of the Effect of Thermal Visual Representation on User Grasping Interaction in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月19日 11:59:21 映维 Virtually-Extended Proprioception: Providing Spatial Reference in VR through an Appended Virtual Limb
XR 2020年05月19日 11:03:22 映维 Do You Feel Like Passing Through Walls?: Effect of Self-Avatar Appearance on Facilitating Realistic Behavior in Virtual Environments
XR 2020年05月19日 10:46:51 映维 Walking by Cycling: A Novel In-Place Locomotion User Interface for Seated Virtual Reality Experiences
XR 2020年05月19日 10:40:56 映维 Reflexive VR Storytelling Design Beyond Immersion: Facilitating Self-Reflection on Death and Loneliness
XR 2020年05月19日 10:38:07 映维 Closer Object Looks Smaller: Investigating the Duality of Size Perception in a Spherical Fish Tank VR Display
XR 2020年05月19日 10:31:51 映维 Who Put That There? Temporal Navigation of Spatial Recordings by Direct Manipulation
XR 2020年05月19日 10:28:40 映维 “How do I make this thing smile?”: An Inventory of Expressive Nonverbal Communication in Commercial Social Virtual Reality Platforms
XR 2020年05月19日 10:23:26 映维 ARchitect: Building Interactive Virtual Experiences from Physical Affordances by Bringing Human-in-the-Loop
Reconstruction / XR 2020年05月19日 10:23:20 映维 Weakly-Supervised Mesh-Convolutional Hand Reconstruction in the Wild