XR 2021年06月15日 10:40:50 映维 Spatially incongruent sounds affect visual localization in virtual environments
XR 2021年06月10日 15:46:27 映维 Detection of real-time augmented reality scene light sources and construction of photorealis tic rendering framework
XR 2021年06月10日 15:29:18 映维 Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition in Mixed Reality Using Voice Command Labeling
XR 2021年06月10日 14:41:14 映维 On the Use of Persistent Spatial Points for Deploying Path Navigation in Augmented Reality: An Evaluation Study
XR 2021年06月10日 14:20:19 映维 A Study on the Behavioral Patterns Formed by Subjects with Different Cognitive Styles in Playing Augmented Reality Interaction Games
XR 2021年06月10日 13:43:46 映维 HaptoCloneAR (Haptic-Optical Clone with Augmented Reality) for Mutual Interactions with Midair 3D Floating Image and Superimposed 2D Display
XR 2021年06月10日 13:19:53 映维 Investigating Haptic Feedback for Human Interactions in Virtual Environment
XR 2021年06月10日 12:43:21 映维 Performance and User Preference of Various Functions for Mapping Hand Position to Movement Velocity in a Virtual Environment
XR 2021年06月10日 11:01:20 映维 Control of vertical posture while elevating one foot to avoid a real or virtual obstacle
XR 2021年06月10日 10:19:25 映维 Head and eye movements are each facilitated by the offset of a central fixation point in a virtual gap paradigm
XR 2021年06月10日 10:01:24 映维 The Vive Controllers vs. Leap Motion for Interactions in Virtual Environments: A Comparative Evaluation
XR 2021年06月10日 09:40:19 映维 The effect of tracking technique on the quality of user experience for augmented reality mobile navigation
XR 2021年06月10日 09:16:21 映维 Tracking of multiple planar projection boards for interactive mixed-reality applications
XR 2021年06月09日 15:28:21 映维 Augmented Reality and 3-D Visualization Effects to Enhance Battlefield Situational Awareness
XR 2021年06月09日 15:10:26 映维 Virtual coupling triggering for interaction force reduction of haptic free-motion using surface EMG
XR 2021年06月09日 14:16:53 映维 Multimodal Augmented Reality – Augmenting Auditory-Tactile Feedback to Change the Perception of Thickness
XR 2021年06月09日 12:26:42 映维 Parameterized representation and solution method of the lightweight 3D model virtual assembly constraint
XR 2021年06月09日 10:16:24 映维 The Relationship Among the Optical Aspects of Photographic Composition and the Quality, Perception and Interpretation of the Realism in Virtual Images