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Head-Coupled Kinematic Template Matching for Target Selection in Hangry Piggos

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: April 2020

Teams: Chatham Labs,Facebook Reality Labs,University of Toronto

Writers: Rorik Henrikson;Daniel Clarke;Thomas White;Frances Lai;Michael Glueck;Stephanie Santosa;Daniel Wigdor;Tovi Grossman;Sean Trowbridge;Hrvoje Benko

PDF: Head-Coupled Kinematic Template Matching for Target Selection in Hangry Piggos


We demonstrate Head-Coupled Kinematic Template Matching (HC-KTM) – a new technique to predict a ray pointer’s landing position (end-position and angle) for selection movements in virtual reality (VR) environments. The technique adapts and extends a prior 2D kinematic template matching method to VR environments where ray pointers are used for selection. It builds on the insight that the kinematics of a controller and Head-Mounted Display (HMD) can be used to predict the ray’s final landing position and angle. In our VR game, Hangry Piggos, we leverage HC-KTM to generate target predictions within a scene, and we apply pointing visualization techniques on top of them to accelerate a player’s selection.

