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Tool-based Asymmetric Interaction for Selection in VR

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PubDate: December 2021

Teams: University of Auckland;University of South Australia

Writers: Qianyuan Zou;Huidong Bai;Yuewei Zhang;Gun Lee;Fowler Allan;Billinghurst Mark

PDF: Tool-based Asymmetric Interaction for Selection in VR


Mainstream Virtual Reality (VR) devices on the market nowadays mostly use symmetric interaction design for input, yet common practice by artists suggests asymmetric interaction using different input tools in each hand could be a better alternative for 3D modeling tasks in VR. In this paper, we explore the performance and usability of a tool-based asymmetric interaction method for a 3D object selection task in VR and compare it with a symmetric interface. The symmetric VR interface uses two identical handheld controllers to select points on a sphere, while the asymmetric interface uses a handheld controller and a stylus. We conducted a user study to compare these two interfaces, and found that the asymmetric system was faster, required less workload, and was rated with better usability. We also discuss the opportunities for tool-based asymmetric input to optimize VR art workflows, and future research directions.

