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Creative Expression with Immersive 3D Interactions

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PubDate: April 2020

Teams: University of Toronto

Writers: Rahul Arora

PDF: Creative Expression with Immersive 3D Interactions


Virtual and augmented realities (VR/AR) allow artists to create 3D content in a three-dimensional space — both display and inputs are 3D. Getting rid of 2D proxies such as screens and graphic tablets removes a significant barrier from 3D creation and allows artists to create more intuitively, and potentially more efficiently. However, creating in VR/AR introduces new control, precision, and ergonomic challenges. Designing interactive tools for 3D creation is therefore non-trivial. A deep understanding of human factors, user preferences, as well as biases stemming from users’ experience with 2D tools is essential to develop effective creative tools for VR/AR. My research combines exploratory user studies and technical advancements to build novel tools for creating 3D content in immersive spaces. I present two computer graphics applications which utilize 3D interactions to improve existing creative workflows and devise novel ones for visual creative expression in three-dimensions. The first studies concept sketching, while the second explores animation of dynamic physical phenomena. I then describe my ongoing work and planned future work on other creative applications.

