Resolution Tradeoff in Gameplay Experience, Performance, and Simulator Sickness in Virtual Reality Games

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PubDate: April 2022

Teams: Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University;Shandong University

Writers: Jialin Wang; Rongkai Shi; Zehui Xiao; Xueying Qin; Hai-Ning Liang

PDF: Resolution Tradeoff in Gameplay Experience, Performance, and Simulator Sickness in Virtual Reality Games


Higher resolution is one of the main directions and drivers in the de-velopment of Virtual Reality (VR) Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs). However, given their associated higher cost, it is unclear the benefits of having higher resolution on user experience, especially in VR games. This research aims to investigate the effects of resolution in gameplay experience and simulator sickness for VR games. To this end, we designed an experiment to collect gameplay experience, simulator sickness (SS), and player performance data with a VR First-Person Shooter game. Our results indicate that 2K resolution is an important threshold for an enhanced gameplay experience without affecting performance and increasing SS levels.


