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Redirected Walking in 360° Video: Effect of Environment Size on Detection Thresholds for Translation and Rotation Gains

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PubDate: April 2022

Teams: University of Science and Technology of China

Writers: Yanxiang Zhang; Qingqin Liu; Yingna Wang

PDF: Redirected Walking in 360° Video: Effect of Environment Size on Detection Thresholds for Translation and Rotation Gains


Using real walking to control the playback of the 360° videos is a natural and immersive way to match visual and self-motion perception. Redirected walking can enable users to walk in limited physical tracking space but experience larger scenes. Environment size may affect user perception in 360° videos. We conducted a user study about the detection thresholds (DTs) for translation and rotation gains in 360° video-based virtual environments in three scenes with different widths. Results show that environment size of the scene increases the DTs for both lower and upper translation gains but doesn’t affect the DTs for rotation gains.

