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A guideline proposal for minimizing cybersickness in VR-based serious games and applications

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PubDate: Jul 2022

Teams: Dalhousie University;Universidade Federal Fluminense

Writers: Thiago Porcino, Derek Reilly, Esteban Clua, Daniela Trevisan

PDF: A guideline proposal for minimizing cybersickness in VR-based serious games and applications


Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are popular immersive tools in general, not limited to entertainment but also for education, military, and serious games for health. While these displays have strong popularity, they still have user experience issues, triggering possible symptoms of discomfort to users. This condition is known as cybersickness (CS) and is one of the most popular research topics tied to virtual reality (VR) issues. We first present the main strategies focused on minimizing cybersickness problems in virtual reality. Following this, we propose a guideline framework based on CS causes such as locomotion, acceleration, the field of view, depth of field, degree of freedom, exposition use time, latency-lag, static rest frame, and camera rotation. Additionally, serious games applications and broader categories of games can also adopt it. Additionally, we categorized the imminent challenges for CS minimization into four different items. Conclusively, this work contributes as a consulting reference to enable VR developers and designers to optimize their VR users’ experience and VR serious games.

