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ColorBound: Comparing Menu Dynamics in Virtual Reality

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: April 2022

Teams: Nicholson School of Communication and Media University of Central

Writers: Maxwell Bustamante; Mike Livingston; James Hilley; Hanniee Tran; Erik Lovejoy; John T. Murray

PDF: ColorBound: Comparing Menu Dynamics in Virtual Reality


Selection methods in VR are typically pointer-based, with gestural methods including joystick and translation. Rapid selection involves choosing among a small number of options. We propose a novel rotation-based rapid-selection gesture where the angle of the controller is used and present a virtual environment, ColorBound, that compares selection tasks using different control schemes in VR using two scenarios: data visualization and weapon selection. We plan to compare methods through timing and preference. The new scheme, controller rotation shows promise as an alternative with potential applications in tool selection, changing continuous and discrete options, and modifying settings for visualizations.

