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Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation

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PubDate: Nov 2022

Teams: NVIDIA Corporation

Writers: Chen-Hsuan Lin;Jun Gao;Luming Tang;Towaki Takikawa;Xiaohui Zeng;Xun Huang;Karsten Kreis;Sanja Fidler†;Ming-Yu Liu†;Tsung-Yi Lin

PDF: Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation

Project: Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation


Magic3D is a new text-to-3D content creation tool that creates 3D mesh models with unprecedented quality. Together with image conditioning techniques as well as prompt-based editing approach, we provide users with new ways to control 3D synthesis, opening up new avenues to various creative applications.

