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An Analytical Study of Visual Attention Behavior in Viewing Panoramic Video

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PubDate:Nov 2023

Teams:Beijing Film Academy

Writers:Feilin Han,Ying Zhong,Ke-Ao Zhao

PDF:An Analytical Study of Visual Attention Behavior in Viewing Panoramic Video


Panoramic video offers an immersive viewing experience in which viewers can actively explore 360-degree motion pictures and engage with the narrative. Studying user visual attention behavior could help us to have a better understanding of video processing, semantic learning, and coding in 360-degree videos. In this paper, we developed two attention visualization toolkits, visual saliency map and semantic attention annotation, for collecting ROI data. The practice-based analytical methodology is employed to discuss user behavior while viewing panoramic shorts. We gathered viewing behavior data from 23 participants and visualized attention saliency to analyze the viewers' visual attention behavior and narrative cognition process. According to the collected data, we summarize attention distribution regulations and derive practical insights into the aspects of learning decision-making for panorama production.

