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Designing Stick-Based Extended Reality Controllers: A Participatory Approach

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Date:May 2024

Teams:Microsoft;Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Writers:Yaying Zhang, Rongkai Shi, and Hai-Ning Liang

PDF:Designing Stick-Based Extended Reality Controllers: A Participatory Approach


This work explores the design of stick-shaped tangible user interfaces (TUI) for Extended Reality (XR). While sticks are widely used in everyday objects, their applications as a TUI in XR have not been systematically studied. We conducted a participatory design session with twelve experts in XR and HCI to investigate the affordances of stick-based objects and how to utilize them in XR. As a result, we present a taxonomy of stick-based objects’ affordances and propose three types of stick-based XR controllers and their dynamic variations. The paper discusses design considerations for selecting the appropriate stick-based form in XR TUI design.

