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Sociotechnical Considerations for SLAM Anchors in Location-Based AR

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PubDate: Apr 2024

Teams: Santa Clara University

Writers: Tiffany T. Nguyen, Cinthya Jauregui, Sarah H. Sallee, Mohan R. Chandrasekar, Liam A’Hearn, Dominic J. Woetzel, Pinak Paliwal, Madison Nguyen, Isabella `Amne Gomez, Xinqi Zhang, Lee M. Panich, Danielle M. Heitmuller, Amy Lueck, Kai Lukoff

PDF: Sociotechnical Considerations for SLAM Anchors in Location-Based AR


In this position paper, we explore the power of storytelling and its connection to place through the use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology, particularly within the context of Thámien Ohlone history on the Santa Clara University campus. To do this, we utilized SLAM and 8th Wall to create virtual, location-based experiences that geolocate tribal stories at present-day sites, showcase the living culture of the Thámien Ohlone tribe, and advocate for physical markers that could exist to recognize their story. When doing so, we made sure to select locations that added to the story each stop tells to serve as our anchors. Our research then investigates both the social and technical considerations involved in selecting anchors for AR experiences, using the Thámien Ohlone AR Tour as a case study.

