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Quantitative Evaluation of driver’s situation awareness in virtual driving through Eye tracking analysis

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PubDate: Apr 2024

Teams: Tianjin University;China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co;Tianjin university of technology

Writers: Yunxiang Jiang, Qing Xu, Kai Zhen, Yu Chen

PDF: Quantitative Evaluation of driver’s situation awareness in virtual driving through Eye tracking analysis


In driving tasks, the driver’s situation awareness of the surrounding scenario is crucial for safety driving. However, current methods of measuring situation awareness mostly rely on subjective questionnaires, which interrupt tasks and lack non-intrusive quantification. To address this issue, our study utilizes objective gaze motion data to provide an interference-free quantification method for situation awareness. Three quantitative scores are proposed to represent three different levels of awareness: perception, comprehension, and projection, and an overall score of situation awareness is also proposed based on above three scores. To validate our findings, we conducted experiments where subjects performed driving tasks in a virtual reality simulated environment. All the four proposed situation awareness scores have clearly shown a significant correlation with driving performance. The proposed not only illuminates a new path for understanding and evaluating the situation awareness but also offers a satisfying proxy for driving performance.

