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Choose a lift and walk into it: Manifesting Choice Blindness in Real-life Scenarios using Immersive Virtual Reality

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PubDate: October 2019

Teams: Weave Lab, IIITD

Writers: Jatin Arora;Manan Gupta;Aman Parnami

PDF: Choose a lift and walk into it: Manifesting Choice Blindness in Real-life Scenarios using Immersive Virtual Reality


In this paper, we propose the novel concept of manifesting the Choice Blindness paradigm in real-life scenarios through immersive Virtual Reality (VR). We designed a VR application wherein the participants encountered two-alternative choices regarding implicit racial bias. Our observations show that 92% of subjects failed to notice a mismatch in their choices, while 75% exhibited choice blindness, hence indicating a healthy scope for exploring choice blindness through virtual reality.

