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Serious Game based on Skeleton Shape Matching for Functional Rehabilitation Exercises

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PubDate: October 2019

Teams: LRPE Laboratory USTHB University

Writers: Mohamed Zine-El-Abidine Amrani;Nouara Achour

PDF: Serious Game based on Skeleton Shape Matching for Functional Rehabilitation Exercises


Rehabilitation exercises are now presented as games, where the patient performs the exercises by playing video games, this kind of games is designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment, they are serious games. We can find in the literature some serious games for functional rehabilitation, but almost all of them are based on video recordings or images, without full body tracking. In this paper, we present an interactive serious game based on full body tracking and using virtual reality techniques. A virtual coach supervises the users and gives instructions to help user performing the rehabilitation exercises correctly. With a group of eight players for a set of six therapeutic exercises, we have reached a high classification accuracy and positive results on the experience questionnaire.

