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Pedagogical Strategies for Classroom-based Mixed Reality (MR) Technology Curriculum

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PubDate: September 2019

Teams: Brigham Young University

Writers: Brady Redfearn

PDF: Pedagogical Strategies for Classroom-based Mixed Reality (MR) Technology Curriculum


As Mixed Reality (MR) technologies continue to become more prevalent, it is important to design and prototype user-centered systems that integrate the kinds of interface and interaction components that are most effective for consumers to use. Integration of these concepts into the topics we currently teach is critical to the career trajectory of our students. In this article, we discuss pedagogical strategies for how to transform IT education, including design thinking-based approaches, that have shown useful to the rapid design, prototyping, and integration of MR technologies and concepts into classroom-based curriculum. Lessons learned from the formal introduction of these concepts into the curriculum at Brigham Young University (BYU) during a longitudinal 12-month period and the creation of a new MR Lab on campus will also be discussed.

