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Attentional orienting in real and virtual 360-degree environments: applications to aeronautics

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PubDate: June 2019

Teams: Université de Toulouse,ENAC

Writers: Rébaï Soret, Christophe Hurter, Vsevolod Peysakhovich

PDF: Attentional orienting in real and virtual 360-degree environments: applications to aeronautics


We investigate the mechanisms of attentional orienting in a 360-degree virtual environments. Through the use of Posner’s paradigm, we study the effects of different attentional guidance techniques designed to improve information processing. The most efficient technique will be applied to a procedure learning tool in virtual reality and a remote air traffic control tower. The eye-tracker allows us to explore the differential effects of overt and covert orienting, to estimate the effectiveness of visual research and to use it as a technique for interaction in virtual reality.

