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Experimenting novel virtual-reality immersion strategy to alleviate cybersickness

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PubDate: November 2018

Teams: Torrens University Australia,Media Design School

Writers: Syed Fawad Mustafa Zaidi;Thomas Male

PDF: Experimenting novel virtual-reality immersion strategy to alleviate cybersickness


Cybersickness, related to virtual-reality (VR) using head-mounted devices (HMD), is also known as motion sickness in VR environment. Researchers and developers have been working to find an appropriate technological facility to alleviate this feeling of sickness. In this paper, we aim to further improve VR immersion technique via HMD by strengthening userś sense of presence in the virtual world along with engagement. Our results show that, with alternative ways in the same VR environment, cybersickness could be overcome resulting in user acceptability of VR technology.

