Benchmark Framework for Virtual Students’ Behaviours
PubDate: July 2018
Teams: University of Würzburg,Teesside University
Writers: Jean-Luc Lugrin;Fred Charles;Michael Habel;Jamie Matthews;Henrik Dudaczy;Sebastian Oberdörfer;Alice Wittmann;Christian Seufert;Julie Porteous;Silke Grafe;Marc Erich Latoschik
PDF: Benchmark Framework for Virtual Students’ Behaviours
This paper demonstrates the integration and evaluation of different atmosphere models into Virtual Reality (VR) training for teacher education. We developed three behaviour models to simulate different levels of class discipline. We evaluated their performances using a combination of objective and subjective measurements. Our initial results suggest that the more believable and distinguishable classroom atmospheres are produced by creating more consistent behaviours across virtual students. Our results confirm the importance of similar behaviours to elicit a particular atmosphere.