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Player performance with different input devices in virtual reality first-person shooter games

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PubDate: October 2017

Teams: Carleton University

Writers: Yasin Farmani;Robert J. Teather

PDF: Player performance with different input devices in virtual reality first-person shooter games


First-person shooter (FPS) games are a competitive game genre. Players of these games commonly try to maximize their performance through using a better input device. Numerous previous studies have analyzed different game controllers (see e.g., [1]). Tracked input devices such as the Hydra offer some advantages over desktop input devices in VR FPS games. We thus hypothesize that VR controllers will offer substantially better performance than both the mouse and gamepad in first-person shooter targeting, due to the improved naturalness of control. Our study compared 3D selection performance between the mouse, 3D tracker, and game controller in a head-mounted display VR context.

