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Scope+: a stereoscopic video see-through augmented reality microscope

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2015

Teams: National Taiwan University

Writers: Yu-Hsuan Huang;Tzu-Chieh Yu;Pei-Hsuan Tsai;Yu-Xiang Wang;Wan-Ling Yang;Ming Ouhyoung

PDF: Scope+: a stereoscopic video see-through augmented reality microscope


During the usage of conventional stereo microscope, repetitive head movement are often inevitable for the users to retrieve information away from the microscope. Moreover, risks of surgeons loosing focus and increasing fatigue could also arise during microsurgeries. Therefore, Scope+, a stereoscopic video see-through augmented reality system was created not only to solve the problems mentioned above, but also to improve users stereo microscopic experience.

