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Exploring Hybrid Virtual-Physical Homes

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: July 2020

Teams: Carnegie Mellon University

Writers: Lauren Herckis;Jessica Cao;Jacqui Fashimpaur;Anna Henson;Rachel Rodgers;Thomas W. Corbett;Jessica Hammer

PDF: Exploring Hybrid Virtual-Physical Homes


There has been a great deal of research regarding the ways that people conceptualize and interact with places they call “home.” This work has been extended to virtual reality primarily in the context of design tools. Here, we explore the idea of a hybrid virtual-physical home that uses virtual space to supplement an existing physical home. We identify variation in the spatial context of place attachment to homes. A user study (N = 25) revealed the expectations and needs these groups have for virtual home spaces, including security, familiarity, and community. We prototyped and playtested three virtual rooms, and identified design features that supported feelings of home. Finally, we present challenges to designing home-like VR environments that can shape future research in this area. As virtual reality grows increasingly accessible, these findings will inform the design of virtual spaces.

