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Indy: a virtual reality multi-player game for navigation skills training

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PubDate: Jul 2018

Teams: EDF R&D

Writers: Arnaud Mas (EDF R\&D PERICLES), Idriss Ismaël (EDF R\&D PERICLES), Nicolas Filliard (EDF R\&D PERICLES)

PDF: Indy: a virtual reality multi-player game for navigation skills training


Working in complex industrial facilities requires spatial navigation skills that people build up with time and field experience. Training sessions consisting in guided tours help discover places but they are insufficient to become intimately familiar with their layout. They imply passive learning postures, are time-limited and can be experienced only once because of organization constraints and potential interferences with ongoing activities in the buildings. To overcome these limitations and improve the acquisition of navigation skills, we developed Indy, a virtual reality system consisting in a collaborative game of treasure hunting. It has several key advantages: it focuses learners’ attention on navigation tasks, implies their active engagement and provides them with feedbacks on their achievements. Virtual reality makes it possible to multiply the number and duration of situations that learners can experience to better consolidate their skills. This paper discusses the main design principles and a typical usage scenario of Indy.

