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Learning Convolutional Transforms for Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression

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PubDate: May 2019

Teams: Universit ´ e Paris-Saclay

Writers: Maurice Quach, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frederic Dufaux

PDF: Learning Convolutional Transforms for Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression


Efficient point cloud compression is fundamental to enable the deployment of virtual and mixed reality applications, since the number of points to code can range in the order of millions. In this paper, we present a novel data-driven geometry compression method for static point clouds based on learned convolutional transforms and uniform quantization. We perform joint optimization of both rate and distortion using a trade-off parameter. In addition, we cast the decoding process as a binary classification of the point cloud occupancy map. Our method outperforms the MPEG reference solution in terms of rate-distortion on the Microsoft Voxelized Upper Bodies dataset with 51.5% BDBR savings on average. Moreover, while octree-based methods face exponential diminution of the number of points at low bitrates, our method still produces high resolution outputs even at low bitrates. Code and supplementary material are available at this https URL .

