BikeVR: a virtual reality bicycle simulator towards sustainable urban space and traffic planning
PubDate: September 2020
Teams: Nuremberg Institute of Technology
Writers: Daniela Ullmann;Julian Kreimeier;Timo Götzelmann;Harald Kipke
PDF: BikeVR: a virtual reality bicycle simulator towards sustainable urban space and traffic planning
While becoming more and more aware of the ongoing climate change, eco-friendly means of transport for all citizens are moving further into focus. In order to be able to implement specific measures, it is necessary to better understand and emphasize sustainable transportation like walking and cycling through focused research. When developing novel traffic concepts and urban spaces for non-motorized traffic participants like bicycles and pedestrians, traffic and urban planning must be focused on their needs. To provide rare qualitative factors (such as stress, the perception of time and attractiveness of the environment) in this context, we present an audiovisual VR bicycle simulator which allows the user to cycle through a virtual urban environment by physically pedaling and also steering. Virtual Reality (VR) is a suitable tool in this context, as study participants find identical and almost freely definable (virtual) urban spaces with adjustable traffic scenarios. Our preliminary prototype proved to be promising and will be further optimized and evaluated.