Self-Centering 3-DoF Feet Controller for Hands-Free Locomotion Control in Telepresence and Virtual Reality
PubDate: Jul 2024
Teams:University of Bonn
Writers:Raphael Memmesheimer, Christian Lenz, Max Schwarz, Michael Schreiber, Sven Behnke
We present a novel seated feet controller for handling 3-DoF aimed to control locomotion for telepresence robotics and virtual reality environments. Tilting the feet on two axes yields in forward, backward and sideways motion. In addition, a separate rotary joint allows for rotation around the vertical axis. Attached springs on all joints self-center the controller. The HTC Vive tracker is used to translate the trackers' orientation into locomotion commands. The proposed self-centering feet controller was used successfully for the ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition, where a naive operator traversed the robot through a longer distance, surpassing obstacles while solving various interaction and manipulation tasks in between. We publicly provide the models of the mostly 3D-printed feet controller for reproduction.