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Mixing Yarns and Triangles in Cloth Simulation

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Title: Mixing Yarns and Triangles in Cloth Simulation

Teams: Multimodal Simulation Lab; Columbia University ;Desilico

Writers: Juan J. Casafranca, Gabriel Cirio, Alejandro Rodríguez, Eder Miguel, Miguel A. Otaduy

Publication date: Apr 2020


This paper presents a method to combine triangle and yarn models in cloth simulation, and hence leverage their best features. The majority of a garment uses a triangle-based model, which reduces the overall computational and memory cost. Key areas of the garment use a yarn-based model, which elicits rich effects such as structural nonlinearity and plasticity. To combine both models in a seamless and robust manner, we solve two major technical challenges. We propose an enriched kinematic representation that augments triangle-based deformations with yarn-level details. Na�ve enrichment suffers from kinematic redundancy, but we devise an optimal kinematic filter that allows a smooth transition between triangle and yarn models. We also introduce a preconditioner that resolves the poor conditioning produced by the extremely different inertia of triangle and yarn nodes. This preconditioner deals effectively with rank deficiency introduced by the kinematic filter. We demonstrate that mixed yarns and triangles succeed to efficiently capture rich effects in garment fit and drape.

