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Imperceptible manipulation of lateral camera motion for improved virtual reality applications

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PubDate: November 2020

Teams: Universidad de Zaragoza;Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Writers: Ana Serrano;Daniel Martin;Diego Gutierrez;Karol Myszkowski;Belen Masia

PDF: Imperceptible manipulation of lateral camera motion for improved virtual reality applications


Virtual Reality (VR) systems increase immersion by reproducing users’ movements in the real world. However, several works have shown that this real-to-virtual mapping does not need to be precise in order to convey a realistic experience. Being able to alter this mapping has many potential applications, since achieving an accurate real-to-virtual mapping is not always possible due to limitations in the capture or display hardware, or in the physical space available. In this work, we measure detection thresholds for lateral translation gains of virtual camera motion in response to the corresponding head motion under natural viewing, and in the absence of locomotion, so that virtual camera movement can be either compressed or expanded while these manipulations remain undetected. Finally, we propose three applications for our method, addressing three key problems in VR: improving 6-DoF viewing for captured 360° footage, overcoming physical constraints, and reducing simulator sickness. We have further validated our thresholds and evaluated our applications by means of additional user studies confirming that our manipulations remain imperceptible, and showing that (i) compressing virtual camera motion reduces visible artifacts in 6-DoF, hence improving perceived quality, (ii) virtual expansion allows for completion of virtual tasks within a reduced physical space, and (iii) simulator sickness may be alleviated in simple scenarios when our compression method is applied.

