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Blind estimation of the direct-to-reverberant ratio using a beta distribution fit to binaural coherence

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PubDate: October 23, 2020

Teams: Facebook Reality Labs Research

Writers: Paul Calamia, Nava Balsam, Philip Robinson

PDF: Blind estimation of the direct-to-reverberant ratio using a beta distribution fit to binaural coherence


Knowledge of the direct-to-reverberant ratio (DRR) can be useful in various acoustic and audio applications. While the DRR can be computed easily from a room impulse response (RIR), blind estimation using sources of opportunity is necessary when such RIRs are not available. This paper describes a method for blind estimation of the DRR which involves fitting a beta distribution to the magnitude-squared coherence between two binaural audio signals, aggregated over time and frequency. Validation experiments utilizing speech convolved with binaural RIRs yield DRR estimates that are within the just-noticeable difference for DRRs in the range 15 to þ18 dB.

