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6-DOF VR videos with a single 360-camera

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PubDate: April 2017

Teams: Stanford University;Adobe Research

Writers: Jingwei Huang; Zhili Chen; Duygu Ceylan; Hailin Jin

PDF: 6-DOF VR videos with a single 360-camera


Recent breakthroughs in consumer level virtual reality (VR) headsets are creating a growing user-base in demand for immersive, full 3D VR experiences. While monoscopic 360-videos are perhaps the most prevalent type of content for VR headsets, they lack 3D information and thus cannot be viewed with full 6 degree-of-freedom (DOF). We present an approach that addresses this limitation via a novel warping algorithm that can synthesize new views both with rotational and translational motion of the viewpoint. This enables the ability to perform VR playback of input monoscopic 360-videos files in full stereo with full 6-DOF of head motion. Our method synthesizes novel views for each eye in accordance with the 6-DOF motion of the headset. Our solution tailors standard structure-from-motion and dense reconstruction algorithms to work accurately for 360-videos and is optimized for GPUs to achieve VR frame rates (>120 fps). We demonstrate the effectiveness our approach on a variety of videos with interesting content.

