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Transcalibur: Weight Moving VR Controller for Dynamic Rendering of 2D Shape Using Haptic Shape Illusion

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Title: Transcalibur: Weight Moving VR Controller for Dynamic Rendering of 2D Shape Using Haptic Shape Illusion

Teams: The University of Tokyo

Writers: Jotaro Shigeyama, Takeru,Hashimoto,Shigeo Yoshida,Taiju Aoki, TomohiroTanikawa,Michitaka Hirose

Publication date: Aug 2018


WeintroduceadynamicweightmovingVRcontrollerfor2dhaptic shape rendering using a haptic shape illusion. This allows users to perceive the feeling of various shapes in virtual space with a singlecontroller.Wedesignedadevicethatdrivesweightona2d planarareatoaltermasspropertiesofthehand-heldcontroller.Our userstudyshowedthatthesystemsucceededinprovidingshape perceptionoverawiderange.

