Force-feedback in Virtual Reality through PGM-based ForceHand glove

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PubDate: March 2020

Teams: Hiroshima University

Writers: Swagata Das; Chetan Thakur; Yuichi Kurita

PDF: Force-feedback in Virtual Reality through PGM-based ForceHand glove


This paper introduces a new method of rendering force-feedback at the wrist using low-pressure type pneumatic artificial muscles called pneumatic gel muscles (PGMs) in virtual environments. Four types of force-feedback are designed to realize the physical properties of soft, hard, repulsive, and pass-through objects. Two types of actuation methods are used to implement the feedback. The first method uses binary actuation, whereas the second method uses PWM-based control of the air pressure fed to the PGMs. The force due to the stiffness property of the PGM was modelled using the spring model, and this model was used to implement the second method of PWM-based actuation. A user study was conducted to compare both the actuation methods, and the majority of subjective feedback from the participants was in favor of the PWM-based actuation.


