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The Effect of Virtual Arm Length on Egocentric Distance Perception in Virtual Reality

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PubDate: December 2019

Teams: Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

Writers: jinlei shi; zhen yang; hongting li; yi xiao

PDF: The Effect of Virtual Arm Length on Egocentric Distance Perception in Virtual Reality


This research explored the effect of virtual arm length on egocentric distance perception. Experiment 1 explored the effect of extended virtual arms on egocentric distance perception; Experiment 2 explored the effect of shortening virtual arms on egocentric distance perception. The results showed that:1) Extending the virtual arm, within the range of the virtual arm, the perception of egocentric distance is significantly reduced. Shortening the virtual arm, within the range of the virtual arm, the perception of egocentric distance becomes significantly larger. 2) Whether the virtual arm is extended or shortened, there is no effect on the estimation of the distance outside the range of the virtual arm.

