XR 2020年06月02日 08:26:09 映维 Improving Texture Discrimination in Virtual Tasks by using Stochastic Resonance
XR 2020年06月01日 15:46:40 映维 First Steps Towards Walk-In-Place Locomotion and Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality for Visually Impaired
XR 2020年06月01日 15:35:47 映维 Lucid Loop: A Virtual Deep Learning Biofeedback System for Lucid Dreaming Practice
XR 2020年06月01日 15:25:41 映维 Sign Language Recognition: Learning American Sign Language in a Virtual Environment
XR 2020年06月01日 15:16:34 映维 Tangible Organs: Introducing 3D Printed Organ Models with VR to Interact with Medical 3D Models
XR 2020年06月01日 14:25:35 映维 VRChairRacer: Using an Office Chair Backrest as a Locomotion Technique for VR Racing Games
XR 2020年06月01日 14:02:38 映维 Deep reinforcement learning-driven intelligent panoramic video bitrate adaptation
XR 2020年06月01日 13:49:40 映维 Increased affect-arousal in VR can be detected from faster body motion with increased heart rate
XR 2020年06月01日 13:37:38 映维 Fostering positive affects in software development environments using extended reality
XR 2020年06月01日 13:08:16 映维 Camera Heights in Cinematic Virtual Reality: How Viewers Perceive Mismatches Between Camera and Eye Height
XR 2020年06月01日 12:56:31 映维 Evaluation of different types of haptic feedback influencing the task-based presence and performance in virtual reality
XR 2020年06月01日 12:47:19 映维 A virtual and augmented reality platform for the training of first responders of the ambulance bus
XR 2020年06月01日 12:38:57 映维 An Exploration of Using Virtual Reality to Assess the Sensory Abnormalities in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
XR 2020年06月01日 12:18:53 映维 Designing a Collaborative Virtual Reality Game for Teen-Robot Interactions
XR 2020年06月01日 12:00:16 映维 Deep dive: deep-neural-network-based video extension for immersive head-mounted display experiences
XR 2020年06月01日 10:47:45 映维 Evaluating Multimodal Feedback for Assembly Tasks in a Virtual Environment