XR 2020年05月28日 09:17:48 映维 ICAROSmuIti - A VR Test Environment for the Development of Multimodal and Multi-User Interaction Concepts
XR 2020年05月28日 09:02:14 映维 Am I Floating or Not? : Sensitivity to Eye Height Manipulations in HMD-based Immersive Virtual Environments
XR 2020年05月28日 08:59:06 映维 How Should Automated Vehicles Interact with Pedestrians?: A Comparative Analysis of Interaction Concepts in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月27日 15:52:34 映维 VRoad: gesture-based interaction between pedestrians and automated vehicles in virtual reality
XR 2020年05月27日 15:31:46 映维 Analyzing high decibel honking effect on driving behavior using VR and bio-sensors
XR 2020年05月27日 15:26:04 映维 Analyzing Eye Movements in Interview Communication with Virtual Reality Agents
XR 2020年05月27日 15:13:55 映维 Virtual Humans in Augmented Reality: A First Step towards Real-World Embedded Virtual Roleplayers
XR 2020年05月27日 14:56:14 映维 Pedagogical Strategies for Classroom-based Mixed Reality (MR) Technology Curriculum
XR 2020年05月27日 14:56:12 映维 Mixed reality application for improving the procedural planning of mitral valve disease
XR 2020年05月27日 14:41:43 映维 Investigating the Influence of External Car Displays on Pedestrians’ Crossing Behavior in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月27日 14:28:56 映维 CryptoAR Wallet: A Blockchain Cryptocurrency Wallet Application that Uses Augmented Reality for On-chain User Data Display
XR 2020年05月27日 14:13:53 映维 Safe laboratory practices & procedures introduced to the students through an augmented reality application
XR 2020年05月27日 14:01:50 映维 Behind the starbucks counter: design solutions for utilizing virtual reality for collaborative training
XR 2020年05月27日 13:35:07 映维 Serious Game based on Skeleton Shape Matching for Functional Rehabilitation Exercises
XR 2020年05月27日 13:26:03 映维 Evaluation of Ultrasound Haptics as a Supplementary Feedback Cue for Grasping in Virtual Environments
XR 2020年05月27日 13:19:38 映维 Demonstration of TORC: A Virtual Reality Controller for In-Hand High-Dexterity Finger Interaction
XR 2020年05月27日 13:13:33 映维 Evaluating the Minimum Jerk Motion Model for Redirected Reach in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月27日 13:01:45 映维 Choose a lift and walk into it: Manifesting Choice Blindness in Real-life Scenarios using Immersive Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月26日 15:55:52 映维 User-Adaptive Editing for 360 degree Video Streaming with Deep Reinforcement Learning
XR 2020年05月26日 15:52:38 映维 3D Singing Head for Music VR: Learning External and Internal Articulatory Synchronicity from Lyric, Audio and Notes