CV / XR 2023年04月10日 07:01:20 映维 FreeNeRF: Improving Few-shot Neural Rendering with Free Frequency Regularization
Optics / XR 2023年04月07日 07:07:33 映维 Ultrahigh-density 3D holographic projection by scattering-assisted dynamic holography
XR 2023年04月06日 15:49:24 映维 Exploring Crossmodal Interaction of Tactile and Visual Cues on Temperature Perception in Virtual Reality: a Preliminary Study
XR 2023年04月06日 15:31:36 映维 Human-Centric Resource Allocation in the Metaverse over Wireless Communications
HCI / XR 2023年04月06日 15:13:56 映维 Predictive Context-Awareness for Full-Immersive Multiuser Virtual Reality with Redirected Walking
HCI / XR 2023年04月06日 14:07:22 映维 Prospects for the implementation of an affordable VR/AR-content management tool for Learning Management Systems
XR 2023年04月06日 13:37:22 映维 Inside-out Infrared Marker Tracking via Head Mounted Displays for Smart Robot Programming
HCI / XR 2023年04月04日 07:19:51 映维 HoloTouch: Interacting with Mixed Reality Visualizations Through Smartphone Proxies
XR 2023年03月31日 06:58:19 映维 Memory-Oriented Design-Space Exploration of Edge-AI Hardware for XR Applications
XR 2023年03月29日 15:52:23 映维 UndoPort: Exploring the Influence of Undo-Actions for Locomotion in Virtual Reality on the Efficiency, Spatial Understanding and User Experience
XR 2023年03月29日 14:52:44 映维 One-shot Feature-Preserving Point Cloud Simplification with Gaussian Processes on Riemannian Manifolds
XR 2023年03月29日 14:31:19 映维 Avatarm: an Avatar With Manipulation Capabilities for the Physical Metaverse
XR 2023年03月29日 14:10:24 映维 Augmented reality as a Thirdspace: Simultaneous experience of the physical and virtual
HCI / XR 2023年03月29日 13:46:19 映维 The Exploration and Evaluation of Generating Affective 360 Panoramic VR Environments Through Neural Style Transfer
CV / XR 2023年03月29日 12:52:20 映维 DDT: A Diffusion-Driven Transformer-based Framework for Human Mesh Recovery from a Video
XR 2023年03月29日 12:22:22 映维 Implementation of communication media around a mixed reality experience with HoloLens headset, as part of a digitalization of a nutrition workshop
CV / XR 2023年03月29日 10:40:30 映维 FER-former: Multi-modal Transformer for Facial Expression Recognition
XR 2023年03月28日 16:01:14 广东客 VRMoVi: Towards an Expressive Visualization for Human Motion and Object Interaction in Virtual Reality
HCI / XR 2023年03月27日 07:22:23 映维 Leveling the Playing Field: A Comparative Reevaluation of Unmodified Eye Tracking as an Input and Interaction Modality for VR
XR 2023年03月24日 20:49:23 映维 HACS: Helical Auxetic Yarn Capacitive Strain Sensors with Sensitivity Beyond the Theoretical Limit
XR 2023年03月23日 15:55:21 映维 “I Want the Payment Process to be Cool”: Understanding How Interaction Factors into Security and Privacy Perception of Authentication in Virtual Reality