XR 2020年05月07日 12:32:03 映维 GestARLite: An On-Device Pointing Finger Based Gestural Interface for Smartphones and Video See-Through Head-Mounts
XR 2020年05月07日 12:18:30 映维 Enchanting Your Noodles: GAN-based Real-time Food-to-Food Translation and Its Impact on Vision-induced Gustatory Manipulation
XR 2020年05月07日 12:13:41 映维 Functional Workspace Optimization via Learning Personal Preferences from Virtual Experiences
XR 2020年05月07日 12:02:39 映维 Real-time Measurement and Display System of 3D Sound Intensity Map using Optical See-Through Head Mounted Display
XR 2020年05月07日 10:27:09 映维 Transparent Mask: Face-Capturing Head-Mounted Display with IR Pass Filters
XR 2020年05月07日 10:13:05 映维 Scenograph: Fitting Real-Walking VR Experiences into Various Tracking Volumes
XR 2020年05月07日 09:29:17 映维 Verifocal: a platform for vision correction and accommodation in head-mounted displays
XR 2020年05月07日 09:19:56 映维 EgoFace: Egocentric Face Performance Capture and Videorealistic Reenactment
XR 2020年05月07日 09:08:05 映维 Make your own Retinal Projector: Retinal Near-Eye Displays via Metamaterials
XR 2020年05月06日 15:53:22 映维 In the Blink of an Eye –Leveraging Blink-Induced Suppression for Imperceptible Position and Orientation Redirection in Virtual Reality
XR 2020年05月06日 15:40:33 映维 SymbiosisSketch: Combining 2D & 3D Sketching for Designing Detailed 3D Objects in Situ
XR 2020年05月06日 15:40:03 映维 Supporting Responsive Cohabitation Between Virtual Interfaces and Physical Objects on Everyday Surfaces
XR 2020年05月06日 15:28:35 映维 RoMA: Interactive Fabrication with Augmented Reality and a Robotic 3D Printer
XR 2020年05月06日 15:13:49 映维 Behind The Palm: Hand Gesture Recognition through Measuring Skin Deformation on Back of Hand by using Optical Sensors
XR 2020年05月06日 15:11:32 映维 Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies