XR 2022年09月06日 10:19:21 映维 Control with Vergence Eye Movement in Augmented Reality See-Through Vision
XR 2022年08月31日 12:31:19 映维 A Pilot Study on The Impact of Stereoscopic Display Type on User Interactions Within A Immersive Analytics Environment
XR 2022年08月24日 14:16:23 映维 Depth Perception in Augmented Reality: The Effects of Display, Shadow, and Position
XR 2022年07月14日 07:46:21 映维 Measuring understorey vegetation structure using a novel mixed-reality device
XR 2022年07月11日 08:58:29 映维 A 3D Reconstruction Method for Augmented Reality Sandbox Based on Depth Sensor
XR 2022年07月06日 15:25:20 映维 Synthesis of User-Level 3D Head Avatar from Smartphone Video for Virtual Reality
Perception / XR 2022年06月06日 15:52:26 映维 BinauralGrad: A Two-Stage Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Binaural Audio Synthesis
XR 2022年04月21日 14:13:21 映维 Rotation-constrained optical see-through headset calibration with bare-hand alignment
XR 2022年04月21日 13:55:28 映维 Measuring the Perceived Three-Dimensional Location of Virtual Objects in Optical See-Through Augmented Reality
Perception / XR 2022年04月21日 12:34:43 映维 Walking Through Walls: The Effect of Collision-Based Feedback on Affordance Judgments in Augmented Reality
CV / XR 2022年03月09日 07:34:25 映维 Spatial Computing and Intuitive Interaction: Bringing Mixed Reality and Robotics Together
XR 2021年10月14日 12:26:14 映维 Accuracy Evaluation of Touch Tasks in Commodity Virtual and Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays
XR 2021年10月12日 11:01:19 映维 Rotation-constrained optical see-through headset calibration withbare-hand alignment
XR 2021年09月23日 10:43:22 映维 Downsizing: The Effect of Mixed-Reality Person Representations on Stress and Presence in Telecommunication
CV / XR 2021年08月11日 15:28:38 映维 Real-time Object Detection with Deep Learning for Robot Vision on Mixed Reality Device
Perception / XR 2021年04月26日 13:43:22 映维 AR Feels “Softer” than VR: Haptic Perception of Stiffness in Augmented versus Virtual Reality
HCI / XR 2020年12月04日 15:43:38 映维 Comparison of Multimodal Heading and Pointing Gestures for Co-Located Mixed Reality Human-Robot Interaction
XR 2020年06月23日 12:54:22 映维 Creating the Perfect Illusion: What will it take to Create Life-Like Virtual Reality Headsets?
XR 2020年06月22日 14:30:14 映维 When Mixed Reality Meets Internet of Things: Toward the Realization of Ubiquitous Mixed Reality
XR 2020年05月27日 13:19:38 映维 Demonstration of TORC: A Virtual Reality Controller for In-Hand High-Dexterity Finger Interaction
XR 2020年05月26日 13:29:16 映维 Mise-Unseen: Using Eye Tracking to Hide Virtual Reality Scene Changes in Plain Sight