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Augmented reality representation of virtual user avatars moving in a virtual representation of the real world at their respective real world locations

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: August 2021

Teams: Nakamir;Alpinschule Innsbruck

Writers: Christoph Leuze;Matthias Leuze

PDF: Augmented reality representation of virtual user avatars moving in a virtual representation of the real world at their respective real world locations


In this work we present an augmented reality (AR) application that allows a user with an AR display to watch another user, flying an airplane in the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MSFS), at their respective location in the real world. To do that, we take the location data of a virtual 3D airplane model in a virtual representation of the world of a user playing MSFS, and stream it via a server to a mobile device. The mobile device user can then see the same 3D airplane model at exactly that real world location, that corresponds to the location of the virtual 3D airplane model in the virtual representation of the world. The mobile device user can also see the avatar movement updated according to the 3D airplane movement in the virtual world. We implemented the application on both a cellphone and a see-through headset.

