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In situ editing (EiS) for fulldomes

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2017

Teams: Société des Arts Technologiques

Writers: François Ubald Brien;Emmanuel Durand;Jérémie Soria;Michał Seta;Nicolas Bouillot



The creation workflow for fulldome consists today of many back and forth between the immersive space for visualization and desktop computers for editing. The EiS platform is an interactive creation tool that enables editing while being inside the immersive environment, allowing for coarse-grained 3D content editing. In this paper we present EiS, a platform geared toward editing inside fulldomes, but also possibly other immersive spaces. The core of EiS is a set of Blender (the popular 3D modeling tool) plugins adding support for VR controllers, fulldome rendering and interfacing with an external audio spatialization engine.

