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Cognitive Monitoring via Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality Pedestrian Environments

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: June 2015

Teams: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

Writers: Daniel Sonntag;Jason Orlosky;Markus Weber;Yecheng Gu;Sergey Sosnovsky;Takumi Toyama;Ehsan Nadjaran Toosi

PDF: Cognitive Monitoring via Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality Pedestrian Environments


Recent advances in virtual and augmented reality have led to the development of a number of simulations for different applications. In particular, virtual reality simulations for monitoring, evaluation, training, and education have started to emerge. In this work, we introduce a virtual reality environment that provides an immersive traffic simulation designed to observe behavior and monitor relevant skills and abilities of pedestrians who may be at risk, such as elderly persons with cognitive impairments. Methods for interaction using hand and arm gestures are complemented by passive, integrated eye tracking to allow for monitoring of cognition, reaction times, and behavior.

