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Text Input Methods in Virtual Reality using Radial Layouts

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: November 2020

Teams: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Writers: Anh Nguyen;Samuel Bittman;Markus Zank

PDF: Text Input Methods in Virtual Reality using Radial Layouts


Currently, the most popular text input method in VR is Controller Pointing (CP). While this method is easy and intuitive to use, it requires users to have steady hands, and the overlaying of the keyboard onto the virtual scene occludes a part of the scene. In this work, we proposed two new text input methods: Sector Input and T9VR , that utilize a circular keyboard that is attached to the HTC Vive controller. A preliminary study with 24 subjects was conducted to explore the potential of the proposed methods, in comparison with CP. While CP performed significantly better than the proposed methods in terms of objective typing speed and error rate, T9VR was able to match with CP in a number of subjective measures.

