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Outdoor Navigation with Handheld Augmented Reality

Note: We don't have the ability to review paper

PubDate: September 2018

Teams: Schoot of Communication and Information Engineering

Writers: Lianyao Wu; Xiaoqing Yu

PDF: Outdoor Navigation with Handheld Augmented Reality


Recently, outdoor augmented reality (AR) has become readily available. Many smart phone based navigation applications provide AR capabilities. However, most of them are to show virtual points of interest (POIs) in the map or add virtual information to the real scenes captured by the camera. We found these applications are helpful when users are looking for interesting places, but it is inconvenient for users who intent to go to the destination. Also, arrows for indicating directions on navigation maps are not intuitive when users are on the way. In this paper, we proposed an outdoor navigation system combined with Baidu map using AR technique where a virtual model can guide users to their destinations.

